OÖ Schachverband, ÖSFV & Grandmaster Event Management GmbH
PlusCity, Plus-Kauf-Straße 7, 4061 Pasching/Linz (www.pluscity.at)
Friday, May 30th, 2025, 10:00
Start: 11:00, End: around 19:00
transfer to: AT51 1500 0001 7137 9084 / BIC: OBKLAT2L / ÖSFV (Österreichischer Schachförderverein); Purpose of use: first and last name + FIDE ID
Registrations via transfer will be accepted until (and including) May 23rd!
€ 40,– until (and including) May 23rd – after May 23rd and for on site registrations (until 10:00) an additonal fee of € 15,– will be charged!
Eligible for all chess players – No invitations – No conditions
1st Place € 5.000,–
2nd Place € 3.000,–
3rd Place € 2.000,–
4th Place € 1.500,–
5th Place € 1.000,–
6th Place € 900,–
7th Place € 800,–
8th Place € 700,–
9th Place € 600,–
10th Place € 500,–
up to 1500 Elo, up to 1700 Elo, up to 1900 Elo, up to 2100 Elo, up to 2300 Elo, up to 2500 Elo and women (= one category) in each category:
1st Place € 500,–
2nd Place € 250,–
3rd Place € 150,–
4th Place € 100,–
9 rounds Swiss System: 10min + 5sec per player; Tie-break: 1st Buchholz Cut 1, 2nd Direct Encounter, 3rd Greater number of wins, 4th Greater number of wins with Black pieces; for category prizes will be used: FIDE-Standard-Elo, if nonexistent AUT-Standard-Elo. Classification in categories only with verifiable rating! Each player will be assigned to a category and can only win in one category. Women can win an Elo category prize and a women’s prize.
Tournament will be FIDE rated!
Michael Stöttinger, ACF President
Kons. IA Günter Mitterhuemer, UACF President
IA Dr. Ivan Syrovy, Chairman FIDE Arbiter Commission